Welcome to Galt United Methodist Church
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Our new Pastor is coming soon!

Galt United Methodist Church is excited to announce the arrival of our new Pastor, Dave! To learn more about Pastor Dave, click below.
Join Us
Galt United Methodist Church is a warm welcoming family who WORSHIP, PRAY, LEARN, and LOVE ONE ANOTHER by SERVING OUR COMMUNITY so that everyone can encounter the Risen Lord and experience transformation through God’s Grace.

10am Sunday in person Worship includes a Bible reading, preaching from Pastor Mary Maaga, music, inspirational videos, and a chance to lift up your prayer concerns. Our stained-glass windows help visitors feel close to God and the friendliness of our Church family lets you know that you have arrived home! Galt UMC also offers Worship at Bruceville Point Senior Living in Elk Grove at 1:30pm in their theatre.

We pray for one another to celebrate joys and to lighten one another's burdens. We pray to honor our connection with our Lord and to offer hope to those who are suffering. We want to pray for you. If you would like us to lift up your name or the name of a loved one on Sunday morning -- and to send those names out on our Prayer Chain -- Email Pastor Mary Maaga!

Pastor Mary is a Bible Study teacher who gives you a front row seat to events "between the lines" of Scripture. She is enthusiastic, creative, and knowledgeable in her weekly Bible Study classes, one in person and one online.
In Person: Tuesdays 11am at Galt UMC
On ZOOM: Sundays 4pm (link in newsletter)

Love One Another
Once you are a part of Galt UMC, you are family! We love to spend time together! LUNCH BUNCH meets every month in a local eatery to enjoy each other's company. United Women in Faith meet monthly for fellowship and mission. Every month that has a fifth Sunday we have a Potluck Lunch immediately following Worship. Weekly Quilt Club and Bible Study are also wonderful ways to grow in love for one another!

Serving Our Community
We provide care and support during times of illness and grief, as well as a place to have funerals and weddings. These are offered whether you are a member of Galt UMC or not! The Sunshine Food Pantry & Resource Center, Inc. operates out of our social hall until they have raised enough money to build their own freestanding building on the lot adjacent to our parking lot.
How Can I Get More Involved?
Join Us
Women and Men’s Group
Have Fun with Us
Make Music
Make Music
Things to Know
What We Believe as United Methodists
* All quotes from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (2016)
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors:
Open Hearts Our founder John Wesley (1703-1791) understood GRACE as having three expressions: Prevenient Grace is “the divine love that surrounds all humanity”; Saving Grace is being born again in Christ, the experience of salvation, the assurance that we are children of God, personal transformation; Perfecting Grace is the ongoing life of discipleship, which Wesley described as “a heart habitually filled with the love of God and neighbor” and as “having the mind of Christ and walking as He walked.” We have Open Hearts because we believe that Prevenient Grace is at work in ALL people, and that people don’t always seek the Lord in ways that are clear to them or the people around them. So, we keep our hearts open, always looking for ways to show everyone we meet that God loves them and wants to save them and wants to make them part of God’s family. We welcome you to Galt United Methodist Church with OPEN HEARTS!
Open Minds reflects our unique Methodist understanding of Christian discipleship. In our Methodist confession of faith, we affirm that the Bible “is to be received through the Holy Spirit as the true rule and guide for faith and practice.” What gives us Methodists our Open Minds is that “we interpret individual texts in light of their place in the Bible as a whole. We are aided by scholarly inquiry and personal insight, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” This means that in most United Methodist Churches there will be Bible Study classes and Adult Sunday school classes that focus on understanding the history and culture of the time in which Scripture was written so that the wheat of God’s holy inspiration might be separated from the chaff of human cultural limitations. It is this open-minded approach to Scripture that had the United Methodist Church be among the first to ordain women. After decades of study, debate, and prayer, the great thinkers of our denomination concluded that Paul’s words against the leadership of women were specific in nature, and a reflection of Paul’s culture and time, and not to be taken as a general universal pronouncement that reflected the will of God. Being a Church with an Open Mind is a great responsibility. It is why you will find many educational opportunities to expand your knowledge of Scripture at Galt United Methodist Church.
Open Doors reflects our unique Wesleyan two-pronged approach to faithful living: an emphasis on personal holiness AND social transformation. Our United Methodist mission statement reflects this: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our founder John Wesley famously said, “The world is my parish” reflecting his belief that salvation is both for the benefit of the individual soul and for the world. One who claims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will have a living faith that will make an impact for good in the world that “the healing and redeeming work of God might be present in our words and deeds.” In practical terms this means that we are always looking outward into our community and the world, asking: What good may we do? Who might we include? Are we proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the Galt community (and the world) through our thoughts, words, and deeds? Galt UMC has a heart FOR the city as a reflection of our Open Doors!
Sunshine Food Pantry
In 2009, outreach consultants from Galt Elementary School District discovered a need to provide food for low income families in the district. They approached several interested persons. As a result the Sunshine Food Pantry came into existence.
The District provided an unused classroom for a clothes closet and room for dry goods where needy families could come. Several churches of the area, including the Galt United Methodist Church, worked together to operate the pantry. Initial food source was from donations brought in my individual people.
The first months of service helped over 100 families with their food needs.
The numbers of people served showed there was a definite need for the pantry. Soon, needy senior citizens began to appear for food. It was difficult to not turn them away – so they weren’t and the Sunshine Pantry became a true asset to the community. Everyone is welcome, no one is turned away.
With the addition of fresh produce after a year, or so, we could no longer stay at the school. Galt United Methodist Church had the available room and the Pantry was relocated to its present location in June of 2011.
The clientele continued to grow and a source of addition food was needed. It was discovered that Solano/Contra Costa Food Bank was making weekly shipment runs to Elk Grove. We were able to receive not only dry goods but fresh produce as well.
After a year, or two, Sacramento Food Bank took over providing our food supplies. At first, we made biweekly runs to north Sacramento to pick up our orders. Eventually several other food distributers in Galt made a delivery truck feasible and now we receive almost weekly deliveries to Galt.
In addition to Sacramento Food Bank orders, Galt UMC picks up food donations from Raley’s and Save Mart Super Markets six days a week. They are a part of a national organization – Feed America – whereby they are given donation credit.
At this time we have free food distribution to all people who come, and our pantry doors are open from 8:00 to 10:00am on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. We also make food deliveries to 6 senior home facilities, and some of our excess items also go to homeless encampments, and farm worker homes. Our average count, at this time, is 1500+ families per month.
There are many ways to give!
Prayer is what we desire most, though we will never turn down money. As a 150-year-old Church you can imagine we are a bit old fashioned. You would be right! Checks are greatly appreciated and can be made out to: Galt UMC and mailed to 571 C Street Galt, CA 95632 or you can give online!